We Have All Inherited Lies

Have I Inherited Lies?

O יְהוָֹה *YHVH, my strength and my stronghold, my refuge in the day of trouble, to you shall the nations come from the ends of the earth and say: “Our fathers have inherited nothing but lies, worthless things in which there is no profit. Jeremiah 16:19 ESV

The prophet Jeremiah was born in 645 B.C. Almost 1,000 years before our early Church father’s made their 4th Century A.D. Catholic, or Universal, religion official.

He tells us, the nations that is, of a day when we will realize that we have inherited lies.

How can that be, when everyone with a religious opinion believes it to be the true?

Personally, my opinions have changed quite a bit over the years. Nonetheless, one thing has remained consistent, I would not hesitate to die for my faith in God.

Interestingly, I’ve discovered that people from different religions feel the same way.

Just in my lifetime, somewhere between 1968 – 1998, Northern Ireland experienced the Troubles. 3,500 Catholics and the Protestants, with faith in God, died fighting each other. Click Here for more info.

History repeats this pattern. The nations, no matter what religion, have died to prove their loyalty.

As honorable as that may be, I don’t want to find out that I was loyal to any lies.

A whole-hearted search for truth will precede the founders of our religion. It will lead us further back than our early church fathers.

When we love the truth enough to Seek it directly from the Spirit of Truth, and then we are promised to find it, Deuteronomy 4:29; John 14:26; 16:13 ESV

My search led me to the Beginning; the first five books of the Bible; the Torah; the Everlasting, Unfading, Complete, Word of *YHVH; He Is, He Was, He Will Exist.

*YHVH is our God; *YHVH Is One, Deuteronomy 6:4 ESV.

*YHVH is our Father. He named His Children Israel, and He gave us all One Torah:

There shall be One תּוֹרָה Torah for the native and for the stranger who sojourns among you.” Exodus 12:49 ESV

The Torah of *YHVH teaches us how to Discern between the Truth, and the Lies. It even gives us the reason we are Tested by the lying prophet:

you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. For יְהוִֹה *YHVH your God is Testing you to find out whether you Love Him with all your heart and with all your soul. You are to Follow יְהוִֹה *YHVH your God and Revere Him. Keep His Commandments and Listen to His Voice; Serve Him and Hold Fast to Him. Deuteronomy 13:3, 4

Are we Following our religion, or *YHVH? Do we Fearfully Revere Him by Keeping His Commandments? If we are not Listening to His Voice, Serving Him and Holding Fast to Him, then we have inherited Lies.

*Yah is the short, and undisputed, pronunciation of יְהוִֹה YHVH, as in Hallelu-Yah!

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